Anti-Aging with Dysport

Crista Callaghan • December 5, 2023


In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, Dysport is your go-to for fast and natural anti-aging results. Dysport, a brand of botulinum toxin A, is a product used in age management to diminish the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles. Dysport is administered by trained medical professionals in a way that is tailored to each person’s specific concerns.

Who is a candidate?

Men and women are both eligible for anti-aging treatments with Dysport. The only contraindications to treatment are as follows:

❖ Currently pregnant or breastfeeding

❖ Milk protein allergy

What are the benefits of Anti-aging treatments with Dysport?

❖ Decreased fine lines and wrinkles

❖ More youthful appearance

❖ Decreased sweating

❖ Minimization of pore visibility

How Long Does it Take Dysport to Work?

2-3 Days Post Treatment - You will begin to see improvement in find lines and wrinkles.

21 Days - You will see the full results of Dysport at its most intense point.

22 Days and Beyond - You will very slowly begin to see movement back to the regions that were treated with Dysport.

How Long Does Dysport Last

Typically Dysport will last for 3 to 4 months, however results are dependent on multiple factors which I have described below in detail.

What Would Cause Dysport to Wear Off Sooner?


Smoking has an array of negative consequences for the body, all of which we won’t get into here. One of those negative effects is that it can cause more rapid aging in people. So, when coupled with an anti-aging treatment like Dysport, smoking can decrease the longevity of results.

Heavy Weight Lifting/Bodybuilding:

Healthy exercise and movement is a priority for overall health and well-being. That being said, heavy weight lifting and bodybuilding has been shown to decrease the length of time that Dysport lasts between treatments. This may be, in part, due to the increased metabolism people tend to get with an increased muscle mass.

Excessive movement:

Injections to regions of the face that move very frequently, such as the lips, could cause a more precipitous decline in results. That is not to say that after injection you wouldn’t want to move or express! Just know that if getting a lip flip done or a procedure done in a region with increased movement, the results may not last as long as other regions of the face that move less frequently.


Every person has a different metabolism. That being said, it is hard to say from person to person how long it will take each person’s body to metabolize the Dysport that is being injected during the procedure. So results will differ slightly based solely on each individual's own body chemistry.

Possible Side Effects

❖ Dry eyes - some people will report symptoms of dry eyes when being treated near crows feet region. This is self-limiting and is not reported frequently.

❖ Eye Ptosis - this is the “dropping” of the eyelid. This is the side effect most people are worried about. This is avoided by appropriate injection technique and avoiding injection points that are close to the eyebrow.

❖ Bruising - anytime a needle penetrates the skin there is a risk of forming a bruise. Every caution is taken to avoid visible veins in order to prevent or limit the risk of bruising. Sometimes this is unavoidable and a small bruise may occur. It is self-limiting and should dissipate within a week or so.

How do I initiate treatment with Dysport?

You can book directly through the website for Dysport/Botox consultation. This is a 30 minute appointment where health history will be reviewed, risks and benefits of treatment will be discussed and a treatment plan will be formulated. Treatment with Dysport can be administered during this visit if you so choose.

Is Dysport safe?

Yes! Dysport is a very safe and effective treatment for decreasing fine lines and wrinkles. All

effects are temporary and will wear off naturally over the course of 3 to 4 months.

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